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Update: Wild weather swings – cold then hot – across region

Activity in Atlantic has increased, suggesting higher potential for tropical storms and hurricanes

[Update, 9/8/24]:

AccuWeather's foreccast of a low of 46 degrees across Northern Virginia remains in place, but those missing warm temperatures can take heart.

By the middle of this coming work week, high temperatures will be in the mid-80s and lows won't by quite as chilly, according to the GazetteLeader's official weather partner.

As for the potential of tropical weather? Updates from the National Hurricane Center (click here) show a shift toward more activity in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, so stay tuned.

[Update, 9/7/24:]

Whoa, whoa, whoa – AccuWeather now is projecting Sunday night's low at 46 degrees, down three from yesterday. Bundle up!

[Original coverage, 9/6/24:]

The low temperature on Sunday night [9/8] could bottom out in the 40s across Northern Virginia, as the transition between seasons continues to move along.

The GazetteLeader's official weather partner, AccuWeather, forecasts lows of 53 on Saturday night and 49 on Sunday night. Highs will be in the 70s, with a slight warming trend on the horizon for next week.

No tropical weather is churning across the Atlantic at the moment, and the next week should bring more sun than rain across our region.

See the full weather update at