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McLean AAUW honors local students for STEM success

Monetary awards presented at organization's recent meeting
Members of the McLean area branch of the American Association of University Women in September 2024 honored local students for success in STEM education.

Three Northern Virginia students were honored for academic prowess recently by the McLean area branch of American Association of University Women (AAUW).

The meeting, held at the McLean Community Center, also featured a program on “Gender, Women and Politics: Where Are We Now.”

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Achievement Awards were presented to Nora Tafader of Park View High School (science) and Lily Rodriguez Velis of William O. Robey High School (awards for both math and science). Alison Martinez, who received the math achievement award for students at Park View High School, was not able to attend.

The criteria for the awards include a demonstrated record of overall academic success, as well as a distinguished record of achievement in either math or science.

Each award, which is funded through the branch’s fund-raising, consists of a certificate and monetary award.  The members of the McLean area branch STEM Awards Committee who managed the awards program were Nina McVeigh, Phyllis Provenzano and STEM chair Judy Page.

For more information on the McLean area branch of AAUW, see the Website at