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Washington Golf summer divers add to long run of championships

The team has won 25 straight titles, finishes 6-0 in dual matches
Washington Golf divers and coaches gather with another league championship trophy the squad won this summer.

Add one more championship to the ongoing streak of summertime titles won by the Washington Golf & Country Club diving team.

The squad recently won its 25th straight Country Club Swimming and Diving Association crown, this year with its most points ever in the season-ending competition at Army Navy Country Club in Arlington.

Amy Kress has been the team’s head coach for each title and for 28 years overall.

The only year Washington Golf did not win the championship since 1998 was when no competition was held in 2020 because of the pandemic.

At the championship meet, Washington Golf divers finished first and second in five of the 10 age-group events and the team had six individual champions.

Those winners were Holly Denniston (8-under girls), Calvin Bruce (8U boys), Julia Denniston (9-10 girls), Lucas Bindseil (9-10 boys), Landon Peduzzi (11-12 boys) and Catherine Ayers (13-14 girls).

Finishing second were Kaitlyn Kimmitt (8U girls), Bennett Blackburn, (8U boys), Nola Grabowski (9-10 girls), Archer Kouhestani (11-12 boys) and Trevi Grace Ricks (13-14 girls). Third were Emma Seymour (11-12 girls) and Elice Lebedev (15-18 girls). Fourth were Clare Tierney (9-10 girls), Harper Reardon (11-12 girls), Clive Gay (13-14 boys), and Olivia Hays (15-18 girls).

Brothers Kyle Peterson (13-14 boys) and Garrett Peterson (15-18 boys) each finished fifth.

Other top-10 finishers were Andres Egge (seventh, 9-10 boys) and Luke Fedorchak earned (ninth, 15-18 boys).

In dual meets during the summer, Washington Golf also was dominant, finishing 6-0, winning each match by wide margins. In order the scores were 61-29, 69-19, 67-23, 81-4, 59-32 and 74-4.

“The team is extremely proud of its undefeated season,” Kress said.

Other contributing divers in meets for the team this summer were Turner Pearson, Pierce Harding, Lyla Wolff, Alexis Phalen, Emery Burns, Kaitlyn Lutz, Eva Close, Brady Well, Kaelin Close, Paige Burns, Madeleine Philbin, Mason Young, Lily Seymour, Sara Bindseil, William Buck, Leah Close, T.J. Reardon, Kate Normile, Renna Bakke, Elice Lebedev and Dylan Keith.

At Washington Golf’s season-ending team banquet, a number of awards were issued.

The overall High-Point Female Diver was Ayers and the overall High-Point Male Diver was Peduzzi.

The Most Improved First Year Diver was Turner Pearson. The Most Improved Junior Diver was Egge. The Most Improved Senior Diver was Trevi Grace Ricks.

Buck earned the Outstanding Effort award and Bruce the Most Dedicated.

Kouhestani received the Coaches Award.

The Valerie Corish Award went to Grabowski, the Diane Hodges Memorial Award to Lily Seymour, the Graduating Senior Award to Renna Bakke, the Caruthers Family Award to the Bakke Family and the Nassetta Family Award to the Fedorchak Family.

Also at the banquet, the team bid farewell to graduating senior Bakke, who joined the team at age 7. She will attend Wilson College this fall to major in equine facilitated therapeutics.