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Washington Golf diving team extends long championship streak

Summer squad has won 26 straight league titles

Add yet another league championship to the long list, making the total now 26 straight Country Club Swimming and Diving Association titles won by the Washington Golf & Country Club summer dive squad.

All have come under head coach Amy Kress, who has led the team for 29 seasons.

“It’s fun for the divers to keep doing this, and we had a nice season,” Kress said. “We had about 80 divers on this year’s team.”

This year, Washington & Golf first won the top division dual-meet crown with a 6-0 record. The wins were over Kenwood, 60-30, Congressional, 54-26, Bethesda, 73-8, Manor, 49-41, Army Navy, 66-24, and Chevy Chase, 60-29.

Next, Washington & Golf won the league-wide championship meet over a two-day period with a 171 team score. Manor, which hosted the event, was second with 107 and Army Navy third with 98.

“We thought we had another good chance to win like this again this season, but I never think it’s a given,” Kress said. “We had an excellent couple of days at the championship meet. Our divers continue to have great dedication.”

One of Washington Golf’s top divers was Landon Peduzzi. He was undefeated in dual meets and the championship meet in the 13-14 boys age group. Lexi Cranford also won a league title in the girls 9-10 age group, as did Lucas Bindseil in 9-10 boys and Emma Seymour in 11-12 girls.

Second was Eva Close in 8-under girls and Grace Douglas was third at that division. In 8-under boys, Samuel Bruce was eighth and William Pearson nine.

Also in 9-10 girls, Clare Tierney was third. In 9-10 boys, Calvin Bruce was third.

In 11-12 girls, Nola Grabowski was second and Harper Reardon third. In 11-12 boys, Archer Kouhestani was second and William Buck fourth.

In 13-14 girls, Trevi Ricks was second and Leah Close third. In 13-14 boys, Clive Gay  was third.

Elice Lebedev was fourth and Olivia Hays fifth in 15-18 girls. In 15-18 boys, T.J. Reardon was fourth and Garrett Peterson ninth.

Every Washington Golf diver who competed in the championship meet scored team points.

Graduating senior divers for Washington Golf are Elice Lebedev, Garrett Peterson and Luke Fedorchak.

Those divers and others scoring points in dual meets for Washington Golf were Abigail Hartman, Kaitlyn Kimmitt, Holly Denniston, Julia Denniston, Lily Seymour, Sara Bindseil, Kate Normile, J.J. Creedon, Kevin Kimmitt, Bennett Burch, Bennett Blackburn, Brady Well, Samuel Douglas, Andres Egge, Kyle Peterson and Fedorchak.

The team’s graduating seniors are Lebedev, Peterson and Fedorchak.

Assistant coaches for the team were Mason Nassetta, Evan Brown, Elisabeth Rockefeller, Renna Bakke, Harper Thornett, Normile and Luke Fedorchak.

NOTES:  At the championship competition at Manor, Kress selected her team’s girls 11-12 age group with three divers as the one wild card permitted to participate in one event. The trio swept the top three places. The previous time Washington Golf accomplished that was when current assistant coach Mason Nassetta competed in that age group, also held at Manor that year. “It is rare and very exciting,” Kress said about the two wild-card entries . . . Kress has been Washington Golf’s head coach since 1996. The team finished second in the league-wide championship her first two seasons.