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Editorial: 'Word salads' from politicians always sad to see

School Board chair looks silly in trying to twist language into a pretzel

Arlington School Board Chairman Mary Kadera, who would have been better served using her allotted time at the July Arlington County Democratic Committee meeting updating attendees on school-system activity, instead opted to deliver politically tinged remarks.

“Nov. 5 really, really matters,” she said, which is an accurate statement no matter which side of the political divide one happens to be on.

So far, so good. Then things got a little weird.

It was Kadera’s comments about abortion (which Democrats for marketing purposes have rebranded as “reproductive freedom”) that woke us up from our repose while monitoring the meeting online from a nice easy chair at home.

Electing Democrats would help ensure that “humans with ovaries” have the freedoms they need, she told those at the meeting. (Had she uttered the phrase once, we’d have let it slide. But she used it twice, so it was quite deliberate.)

Did we miss the memo? Is that the term now being used in Democratic circles? And perhaps in our schools?

We pull out Shakespeare’s Puck once in a while on such occasions to weigh in with “Lord, what fools these mortals be.” At least when it comes to efforts attempting to appease all flanks in a political party by twisting language into pretzels.