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Trespass-towing charges would go up under legislator's bill

Richmond's Del. McQuinn also wants statewide advisory body on towing fees created

A member of the House of Delegates has submitted legislation creating a state advisory panel to propose trespass-towing fees across the commonwealth, and as part of the bill would increase the maximum allowable fee for towing vehicles that are parked improperly.

Del. Delores McQuinn (D-Richmond) has proposed  establishment of the Commonwealth Trespass Towing Rate-Setting Advisory Panel, to include membership drawn from the executive and legislative branches of the state government, representatives from local governments and participation from members of Virginia’s towing associations.

The committee would report its findings to the governor and legislature each year.

As part of McQuinn’s bill, the current $150 maximum for statewide hookup and initial towing of vehicles would rise to $190. Surcharges for tows that take place at night or weekends and holidays also would increase.

The bill also would remove from the Code of Virginia specific language that guides Northern Virginia and Fredericksburg-area localities in setting towing fees and politicies.

The measure is HB 421.

On the other side of the Virginia Capitol, legislation patroned by state Sen. Mark Peake (R-Lynchburg) aims to cut the existing maximum hookup and initial towing fee from $150 to $50 statewide, and would prohibit local-government bodies from imposing higher amounts.

Peake’s bill is SB 66.