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Boosters of historical museum still hope county might help

Government funding could support renovation of former Hume School

Those working on a multi-pronged renovation of the Arlington Historical Museum will have to wait a few more weeks to see if the county government opts to join the effort by financially supporting it.

If not, advocates may have to spread out to County Board members to make their case.

The Arlington Historical Society, which owns the museum (located in the one-time Hume School on Arlington Ridge Road) has begun a multi-phase renovation effort to bring the building, which is more than a century old, up to modern building codes. The effort also aims to provide additional exhibit and meeting space.

The first phase – restoration of windows – recently began.

Traditionally, the historical society has not sought county-government financial support for its efforts both at the museum and at the Ball-Sellers House, the oldest existing home in Arlington that also is open to the public. But the renovation effort, which will run into seven figures, has led society officials to say they wouldn’t say no if County Manager Mark Schwartz was to provide support in his fiscal 2025 budget plan.

That proposal will come out in a few weeks, kicking off a three-month process where advocates of various causes make their cases to the County Board.

Unlike Arlington’s government, which does not operate any historic structures as museums, neighboring Alexandria and Fairfax County’s governments each do.