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Arlington government to purchase home for park expansion

$1.11 million purchase price compares to $816,300 assessment value

Arlington County Board members on July 22 are expected to ratify the purchase of a home on 16th Street South to expand Douglas Park.

The cost to acquire the parcel of about 13,350 square feet will be about $1.5 million, factoring in the purchase price of $1.11 million plus the cost of razing the home and its incorporation into the park.

The property was constructed in the 1930s and purchased by the current owners for $572,500 in 2018. While its 2024 county-government assessment is $816,300, county staff contended that the $1.11 million purchase price represented fair market value as determined by an appraisal.

County officials in 2019 identified the parcel as a priority acquisition. In 2014, the county acquired a nearby parcel to expand the park.

When the purchase is completed, the county government’s fiscal 2025 contingency fund for similar land acquisition will fall to $35,000.