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Letter: Candidate Roy has the tenacity, grit to get the job done


To the editor: The GazetteLeader’s May 23 endorsement in the Arlington County Board race described exactly what Arlington needs: someone with a firm grasp of the issues and a “sh*tkicker personality.”

What a spot-on description of Natalie Roy!

Roy’s grasp of the issues is evident in the thorough and comprehensive position papers featured on her Website. Her tenacious pursuit of truth is in no way deterred by barbs thrown her way – they just inspire her to work harder.

In my own endorsement, I described Roy as “what you see is what you get,” because her motives are pure and transparent. But I like the phrase “sh*tkicker personality” as used in the GazetteLeader’s endorsement a whole lot more!

Jacqueline Coachman, Arlington