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Community forum set for July 18 on Astoria project in McLean

Applicant aims to combine parcels to create 2.06 acres in core area

A July 18 community meeting will be held to discuss the proposed Astoria rezoning application by JAG Partners LLC, which would construct a 130-unit residential building with neighborhood-serving retail, office and service uses in downtown McLean.

This meeting will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. at the McLean Community Center. The applicant will host an open house from 7 to 7:30 p.m. where residents can review informational boards and discuss the proposal with the developer.

The formal part of the meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. and include a presentation on the application, an overview of the county’s review process and a question-and-answer session.

The applicant proposes to consolidate and rezone 2.06 acres’ worth of parcels at 6861 Elm Street and 6854, 6856 and 6858 Old Dominion Drive. The proposed development will consist of a single six-story residential building with frontage on both Old Dominion Drive and Elm Street.

Proposed floor uses include a mix of residential, retail, office and residential amenities. A proposed mid-block pedestrian connection between Old Dominion Drive and Elm Street would be anchored by neighborhood-serving uses and co-working space.

The site is located in the Center Zone of the comprehensive plan for the McLean Community Business Center (CBC), which is the zone slated for the most intensive development.

The Fairfax County Planning Commission is slated to hold a public hearing on the proposal Sept. 27 and the Board of Supervisors tentatively is scheduled to take up the matter Oct. 10.

For more information, contact Benajmin Wiles in the office of Supervisor John Foust at (703) 356-0551 or [email protected].