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Many records set in week four of NVSL summer season

Highlands and Kent Gardens individuals among those earning new marks

Team records are regularly broken during the summertime’s Northern Virginia Swimming League season, and that was the case for one girls relay team for the Highlands Whomping Turtles during a July 6 Division 1 meet.

The age 11-12 girls medley set a new mark with a time of 1:01.27. The previous record was 1:01.37.

The Highlands relay was made up of Mackey Tolar, Rio Walther, Abbie Raymond and Emilia Vayra.

The Kent Gardens Dolphins set five new  team records during their July 6 meet:

• Andy Li swam 27.33 in the boys 13-14 backstroke to set a new mark, then did the same in the 13-14 boys breaststroke in 30.62.

• The girls 9-10 medley relay of Tess Pizzamiglio, Grace Jeong, Sloane Nguyen and Nora Jia set a new record of 1:08.12.

• The boys 15-18 medley relay of Alexander Cafer, Aaron Jia, Harrison Weinstock and Zach Simon swam 1:47.40 to set a new mark.

• The boys 18-under mixed-age freestyle relay of Sully Yoo, Leo Wu, Aaron Kuang and Aaron Jia swam 1:44.12 for a new mark.

For the Overlee Flying Fish in their July 6 meet, Abigail Hartman lowered her 8-under backstroke team (and Overlee pool record) with a new time of 18:95.

Tuckahoe’s boys age 9-10 medley relay of Danile Klett, Victor Rodriguez, Andrew Pelaez and Oli Waisber set a new team and NVSL record of 1.07.59 in its July 6 meet.

The Langley Wildthings’ Celina Feng set a team record (16.89) in the girls 8-under freestyle and in the backstroke (20.49).

For the Great Falls Rapids on July 6, Simon Bermudez set a new team record of 26.30 in the boys 15-18 backstroke.