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Letter: Want more taxes, just keep electing same local leaders

'Fairfax voters should not complain when the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors ultimately implements the meals tax'

To the editor: Is it any surprise that, as the May 30 GazetteLeader front page put it, a “Meals Tax Soon May Be on Menu Across Fairfax”?

You get what you vote for, so the Fairfax voters should not complain when the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors ultimately implements the tax.

Twice rejected by the voters, the supervisors, who now have the power to impose the tax unilaterally, know best how to spend your money, regardless of the effects of the ongoing inflation.

Does anyone believe that property taxes will slow their rise as the supervisors continue feeding their spending monster? With inflation, do Fairfax residents need another tax? Wouldn’t it be an amazing concept if the supervisors would actually try to reduce spending?

Only one supervisor – Pat Herrity, the lone Republican – seems opposed. He pointed out that the board seems to have a spending problem that they still can’t seem to control.

After twice seeing meals-tax referendums defeated by Fairfax voters, our fine Democratic leadership in Richmond found a way around, eliminating the referendum requirement and letting the ruling elite decide what is best for county residents.

Again, the voters have no one to blame but themselves. Keep voting the way you have, and you will keep getting what you vote for.

Dudley Losselyong, Great Falls