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Letter: Many have contributed to ViVa! Vienna! through years

'Many chairs and committee members, sponsors and volunteers have sustained and grown the event over the years.'

To the editor: During the Memorial Day ceremony on May 27, I was honored with a presentation recognizing my role in helping to launch ViVa! Vienna! 40 years ago.

I was so surprised and humbled with such recognition on the 40th anniversary that I was at loss for words. “Thank you” is just not enough.

However, I do want to thank Gunnar Spafford, the 2024 ViVa! Vienna! Committee and Rotary Club of Vienna for the recognition and for their incredible efforts for another outstanding ViVa! Vienna! I accept the award on behalf of all of the men and women who joined me in supporting the original idea and for taking the risk and investing the time, energy, resources and love, even in the face of some significant skepticism, to make ViVa! Vienna! come true in 1984.

Some are no longer with us, but many still are and while I may have received the recognition, it could not have happened without each of you and the incredible partnership with the town of Vienna, an engagement that endures still after 40 years.

While I was honored to chair ViVa! for the first four years (1984-87), many chairs and committee members, sponsors and volunteers have sustained and grown the event over the years.

Congratulations to the Rotary Club of Vienna, which took over stewardship and production in 1997 and are an amazing group of people dedicated to our community and supporting so many deserving community-based and charitable organizations.

I am so proud that the tenets that formed the foundation of the first ViVa! Vienna! remain true today. A celebration of community along historic Church Street. A festival available to all in and across the community. A commemoration of Memorial Day and an opportunity to remember and honor those men and women of our armed forces who have made the ultimate sacrifice to defend and protect our freedom. A commitment that all proceeds derived from ViVa! Vienna! would be returned to support community-based and charitable organizations.

I also want to thank the Vienna town government for the partnership over the 40 years. That partnership was essential to the success when it started and remains essential today. The men and women of Parks & Recreation, Public Works, Police, Fire & Rescue departments and of course the elected and appointed leaders who share the passion for celebrating the unique and vibrant community that is Vienna, Va. Thank you to the Fairfax County government and to all of the businesses in the historic Church Street corridor.

I am just a kid who has lived here my whole life and who had an idea for a community celebration. I am so grateful that others were willing to join me in trying to make it happen. I really do not want to name names because I will certainly forget someone. However, I must shout out to Marie Kisner, Lou Zone, Ann Martin, Mike Davis, John Wooden and the late Bill Gratz, T.R. Cook, D.H. Scarborough and so many more.

Congratulations to all involved. You are making a difference in the lives of others in many ways. Thank you!

Bob Dix, Vienna