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Survey says: Vienna officials to unveil results of park poll

'Our Plan to Play' is new initiative of town government

After two rounds of surveying Vienna residents about the future of the Vienna Parks and Recreation Department and its master plan, “Our Plan to Play,” town officials invite community members to see the results and hear what their neighbors had to say at a community meeting Sept. 23 at 6 p.m. at the Vienna Community Center, 120 Cherry St., S.E.

After delving into the survey results, attendees will have an opportunity to share their thoughts and feedback about the results and discuss funding options that can help bring the community’s parks-and-recreation vision to life.

The statistically valid, random-sample survey of residents was conducted earlier this spring. Afterward, an online survey was open to everyone. Both surveys provided crucial insights that will shape the development of a long-term roadmap and investment strategy for the Department of Parks and Recreation, serving as a blueprint for Vienna’s future parks-and-recreation offerings.

For more information about “Our Plan to Play,” visit, call the Vienna Department of Parks and Recreation at (703) 255-6360 or e-mail