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Supervisors set October hearing to take property for public works

County officials say they need parcel for new Tysons East Pump Station

The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors authorized a public hearing for Oct. 8 to discuss the acquisition of land rights for the Tysons East Pump Station.

The sanitary-sewer project will involve construction of a new pump station capable of handling 10 million gallons per day. The initiative also calls for installation of a new force main and gravity sewer.

The county needs to obtain land rights for one property at 1310 Scotts Run Road in Dranesville District. Officials are negotiating with landowners Irfan Baig Mirza and Farzana Begum, but because those discussions do not appear headed toward an imminent resolution, supervisors may need to use their quick-take eminent-domain powers to obtain the land so the project can commence on schedule.