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New home for birds, fowl debuts at Frying Pan Park

Facility was funded by Friends group
The Fairfax County Park Authority and Friends of Frying Pan Park recently dedicate a new bird enclosure at the park, located in Herndon.

A newly completed bird enclosure is providing a modern home for the ducks, turkeys and peafowl at Frying Pan Park.

The project, fully funded through a contribution from Friends of Frying Pan Farm Park, included the demolition of the old structure; regrading of the site; laying a new foundation; installation of new sheds, pond, drainage system, lighting and enclosure fencing; and restorative work to the neighboring pasture.

“This project is a powerful reminder of the power of partnerships when it comes to being able to maintain and improve one of the largest, most diverse and highly regarded park systems in the nation,” said Park Authority executive director Jai Cole.

“It may not seem like much, but this enclosure not only allows our park guests to get up close and personal with the animals, it also improves the overall safety and living accommodations for the birds themselves – not to mention the improved drainage and restoration of the pasture in the process,” Cole said, expressing gratitude to Friends of Frying Pan Park for providing financial support to the endeavor.