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Fairfax grant program to aid in flood-mitigation efforts

Awards of up to $5,000 per property will be available in new initiative

Fairfax County residents, property owners, communities and places of worship now may be eligible for financial assistance with their flood-proofing and flood-mitigation efforts through the Flood Mitigation Assistance Program.

The initiative, which is a partnership between the Department of Public Works and Environmental Services and the Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District, took effect July 1.

The Flood Mitigation Assistance Program is being implemented through the county’s Stormwater Service District as an initiative under the Local Stormwater Management Assistance Fund, which recently was approved by the Board of Supervisors. The program in fiscal year 2025 will provide $250,000 to the Soil and Water Conservation District to administer and implement the program.

Residents and entities meeting eligibility requirements may be reimbursed with matching funds, or 50 percent of the purchase and installation costs of an approved flood-reduction practice up to $5,000 per property. Commercial properties are ineligible for the grant.

To learn about criteria, see the Website at