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Arlington resident sets yet again for 100-mile fund-raising ride

Donations still being accepted for the Raise + Ride event
Henry Dunbar, left, and other bike riders have rode 100 miles in past years as a fund-raiser for the business.

For a decade now, no matter any challenging weather conditions or even a world-wide pandemic, Henry Dunbar has remained driven to continue his annual grueling Raise + Ride fund-raiser for Phoenix Bikes of South Arlington.

On Saturday, Aug. 3 beginning at 7 a.m., the Arlington resident will ride his 35-year-old vintage bike he got from Phoenix 100 miles to raise money. Dunbar and others will begin the organized ride near the shop, eventually following the WO&D Regional trail 88-miles round trip to Purcellville and back, then completing the ride the final few miles by circling through parts of Arlington.

One way or the other, Dunbar has biked 100 miles the last nine years, including two in a row during the pandemic through his neighborhood streets instead of following the WO&D trail.

“Rain or shine and even heat, we haven’t had to cancel yet,” said Dunbar, the former executive director of Phoenix Bikes. “This has become an annual event that we want to keep riding and raising money.”

The fund-raiser is for Arlington’s youth- bicycling nonprofit that combines youth after-school education programs with a full-service bike shop with affordable sales and service. Phoenix Bikes educates youth in grades 6 through 12 in bike mechanics, allows them to earn a free bike and encourages them to ride, race and give back to the community.

In 2023, there were 305 youth who participated in those programs.

In addition, Phoenix Bikes donates bikes to community members in need. More than 100 bikes were given away last year.

Dunbar, who has run 11 marathons, stays in shape for the 100-mile ride by regularly riding his bike and running.

“This [riding 100 miles] is a lot easier than running a marathon,” he said.

Those wanting to donate for the ride or participate can do so by visiting the Website at Dunbar said the goal for this year’s ride is to raise from $12,000 to $20,000.