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Arlington Little League holds annual opening-day ceremonies

Players participate in parade and fun and games
Members of the Red Sox team make their way through a welcoming tunnel of high-school players during Arlington Little League's opening-day ceremonies.

Some 1,100 players making up 100 teams and all the other regular pomp and circumstance, but minus any local politicians or guest speakers this year – were in place and took place at Barcroft Park the afternoon of April 16 for the annual and lengthy Arlington Little League opening-day ceremony.

The baseball event began with a parade of teams onto the park’s main field, where the squads gathered in the outfield to observe traditional opening-day games and recognitions.

Politicians and guest speakers this year were invited but had competing engagements and were unable to attend. A guest speaker from the Washington Nationals was a late cancel.

“It will be a quicker ceremony this year,” league president Adam Balutis said as events were ready to start.

Balutis told the baseball players to always dream big as they play the sport over this season and beyond.

“No matter how far you go, we will be rooting for you forever,” Balutis said.

The ceremony included a hula-hoop contest among a dozen or so players and a mini-cycle race around the bases between two teams, which ended with a collision at home plate. A moon-bounce on one of the other fields was set up after the ceremony for the Little Leaguers to enjoy. There also was face painting, sponsor tables and a food truck.

Donations could be dropped off at a table near the batting cages for the Arlington Food Assistance Center.

League officials and the board of directors were recognized by Balutis.

Washington-Liberty High School sophomore varsity baseball player Samuel Jackman performed the National Anthem on his guitar.

Jackson and other members of the W-L team, along with Wakefield and Yorktown varsity players, also were present and formed a human tunnel to greet the Little Leaguers as they walked through to enter the main field.

The Little League pledge was read by some of the players, and it was announced at the ceremony that the league will host the 2023 state tournament for intermediate all-stars in July. An Arlington team played in that state tourney last season, after winning a district championship, and squad was recognized at the ceremony.

After the opening events, Little League games of different age levels were played throughout the park on the different fields.