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Update: With Biden gone from race, local Democrats pivot quickly

Party is now pivoting to a post-Biden political environment
President Biden

Even those local Democratic leaders who were unreservedly “ridin’ with Biden” up to the moment of his political demise quickly have pivoted to the new landscape.

Less than a day before President Biden’s July 21 written declaration he would be quitting his re-election effort, U.S. Rep. Don Beyer (D-8th) publicly voiced backing for him staying in.

“He’s been a good president, he’s gotten a great deal done,” Beyer said in a video statement released the evening of Saturday [7/20]. “I affirm my support.”

(Beyer, who earlier was reported to be disdainful of the incumbent’s chances against Donald Trump in November, in his July 20 video predicted then that Biden would be the nominee. “He’s firmly committed to this race,” the 8th District legislator said in the video release.)

Doubling down on a support even closer to the end was Arlington County Board Democratic nominee, J.D. Spain Sr., who retweeted Beyer’s statement and posted a “Black Voters for Biden-Harris” placard on social media just hours before the president threw in the towel.

But that was then, this is now. Several hours after Biden’s announcement, Beyer (like Spain) made a post-Biden pivot, if perhaps trying to have it two ways – saying there should not be a coronation of a successor but offering an opinion on who that should be.

“I look forward to a fair and open nomination process to choose the next Democratic nominee,” Beyer said. “As that process unfolds, I will support Vice President Kamala Harris, who already brings strength, compassion and vision to the office and ticket.”

Meanwhile, Arlington Republicans were making the case that Biden was forced out by an “insurrection” within his own party.

“Pressure from Democratic kingmakers and pundits” pushed the president out of the race, the GOP said in a social-media posting, overturning the will of 14.5 million voters who supported the incumbent during Democratic primary season, they said.

Whether Democrats will coalesce around Harris remains to be seen, but some local officials were quick to pledge their support.

“I’m all in for Vice President Kamala Harris and ready to continue charging into November,” Del. Adel McClure (D-Arlington) said.

“We are saddened but grateful [to Biden], and resolute to do what it takes to win in November,” Arlington County Democratic Committee chair Steve Baker said.