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Update: Organizations seeking to become Civic Federation members

Groups promoting affordable housing, senior living set to have applications voted on

[Update, 9/4/24:]

Both organizations were approved for membership by Civic Federation delegates at the Sept. 3 meeting.

[Original coverage, 8/26/24:]

The Arlington County Civic Federation on Sept. 3 is slated to welcome two new member organizations.

The Northern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance and Arlington Neighborhood Village have been deemed to meet membership requirements, pending a final vote from delegates.

The affordable-housing group has roots in the Civic Federation, with the Alliance for Housing Solutions having been a longtime member organization. That group last year merged into the Northern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance, which has a similar mission but with a more regional scope.

The Arlington County Civic Federation began life in 1916 with six neighborhood organizations as members. Today, it includes scores of member groups, representing both specific neighborhoods and advocacy organizations. For a list of current member organizations, see the Website at

More on the organizations seeking membership: