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Local Biden boosters start circulating petitions for primary

Presidential aspirants must meet requirements by Dec. 14 for March 2024 election
President Biden

Supporters of President Biden’s re-election bid are now busy collecting signatures to get him on the March 2024 Virginia presidential-primary ballot.

Former Arlington County Democratic Committee (ACDC) chairman Kip Malinosky was among those circulating petitions at the July 5 ACDC meeting, which occurred two days after candidates’ supporters were first permitted to begin collecting signatures of registered voters.

Under state law, candidates for president in a party primary must submit a minimum 5,000 valid signatures – including at least 200 from each of the 11 congressional districts – to earn a spot on the primary ballot. The last day to file paperwork is Dec. 14.

Currently, only Democrats and Republicans are recognized under state election law as parties with enough support to use state-run primaries. If both parties choose the primary method in 2024, the events will be held concurrently on March 5; voters will be able to cast ballots in either race but not in both.

If Biden is the lone candidate to file for the Democratic nomination in Virginia, the party’s primary will be canceled.