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Legislator's bill would help N.Va. localities regulate towing

Loophole in existing statute would be closed in McClure measure
Virginia Capitol

A General Assembly member from Arlington is patroning legislation that will close a loophole and make it easier for Northern Virginia localities to regulate towing companies.

Current towing regulations handed down from the state level limit the powers of jurisdictions in Planning District 8 (Northern Virginia) to require operating certificates for towing companies that both are located in, and store vehicles in, that specific locality.

Whether that was the intent of the legislature when it made the rules years ago is unclear, but legislation from Del. Adele McClure (D-Arlington) would remove that restriction, giving localities the power to regulate those towing firms the same as they can for those who are located or store vehicles outside the jurisdiction.

The measure (House Bill 1827) is supported by Arlington’s Trespass Towing Advisory Board.

Existing state law already gives localities plentiful regulatory power over towing operators in other areas.