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Forester from local area lauded for diversity achievements

Melody Starya Mobley will receive accolade during Society of American Foresters conference in September
Melody Starya Mobley (right) is shown with NOVA Parks executive director Paul Gilbert.

Northern Virginia environmentalist Melody Starya Mobley has been named the 2024 Diversity Leadership Award recipient by the Society of American Foresters.

Mobley was lauded for her efforts to connect a wider array of local residents to birding and other programming at local parks, including those of the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority (NOVA Parks).

“As the first woman of color to be a Forester with the US Forest Service, I know we need to do more to connect diverse communities to nature,” she said.

“A perfect example of these diversity efforts is the Black and Hispanic Birding Program at Upton Hill Regional Park in Arlington,” Mobley said. “For several years, I have been working with NOVA Parks and a group of other partners, including Audubon Society of Northern Virginia and the Arlington NAACP, to bring nature education to our diverse community.”

Starya Mobley also has helped NOVA Parks in programs with the Boys & Girls Club, which has visited Upton Hill Regional Park to learn about nature.

“I am so thrilled Melody has won this award,” said Paul Gilbert, executive director of NOVA Parks. “She selflessly gives of her time and immense talent to help others. She is just a joy to work with.”

Starya Mobley will receive this honor at the Society of American Foresters conference in Colorado in September.

For information on birding and environmental-education programs at the regional park authority, see the Website at