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Arlington government taps its latest 'poet laureate'

Courtney LeBlanc will serve in post for two years
Courtney LeBlanc has been chosen to serve as Arlington's "poet laureate" from the summer of 2023 to the summer of 2025.

Courtney LeBlanc has been selected as the Arlington County government’s third-ever “poet laureate,” and will serve in the post for the next two years.

“Our new poet laureate will work with our community to awaken the poet in all of us,” said Michelle Isabelle-Stark, director of cultural affairs for the county government.

LeBlanc is author of several full-length poetry collections and is the founder and editor-in-chief of an independent poetry press. She also has served as a fellow at the Virginia Center for Creative Arts.

The position comes with an annual stipend of $1,500. Previous holders of the post include Katherine Young and Holly Karapetkova.